Khaulah binti Al Azwar
Narration from Khalid bin Walid’s point of view
Scene 1: Main stage (Dharar bin Al
Azwar, Muslim’s troops, Hercules, Roman’s troops)
(Light off)
Remember the time when our war commander
got caught by Hercules troops
(War instrument, light on)
Dharar: Retreat…!!!
(Muslim’s troops retreat, Dharar get caught)
We might retreated a while as losers
But not forever
(Light off)
Scene 2: Garden (Khaulah binti Al Azwar)
(Desert instrument)
The Romans might be glad
But our sister was so sad
Her heart burned out knowing her beloved
brother got caught
She strengthened herself:
If we have to fight,for our right,
We will hold on tight,
To our gun,
We won't run
Our help comes from high above the sky,
Even higher than fighter jets can fly,
It only takes a nod,
From our God,
The super powers will grumble,
When they see them selves crumble,
Like we have seen in the past,
Worldly super powers don't last,
Than you will see God's power,
He, his love will shower,
All will live in ease,
All will live in peace,
We won’t be fear,
Cause we know the time is near,
Scene 3: Main stage (Khalid bin Walid, Rafi’ bin ‘Umairah, Muslim’s troops, Hercules, Roman’s troops, Khaulah binti Al Azwar)
(War instrument, light on)
In the middle of the war
Someone went across our troops
Then tried to break through our foes
I thought he was Rafi’ carrying a sword
But then I realized he was not
He came against the Roman’s troops
Like replacing our war commander
Without having any fear
We wiped out all foes together
Till we won the war
And got back our commander
(Light off for a while, The Romans leave the stage, light on again)
All Muslims: Allahu Akbar…!!!
But for me, it wasn’t over
I was still curious who behind that veil is
Till she showed her face
We were so amaze
Both brother and sister are so brave
They are them, Dharar and Khaulah binti Al Azwar
(Light off)
“Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.”
Ending: All of the players are at the stage, light on, all of the them bow
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